June 4, 2023
Someday, my soul will go to heaven, but my body will remain, being properly lowered into the earth where all but the bones will decompose over time.
Read more..Someday, my soul will go to heaven, but my body will remain, being properly lowered into the earth where all but the bones will decompose over time.
Read more..Life gets tangled. People mess up. God loves to untie the knots when our life gets messy.
Read more..Expressing one’s true feelings is not a lack of faith.
Read more..Prayer: Help me, Lord, to trust you enough to wait. And to be aware whether your Spirit is whispering, “Go, stay or wait.”Was there a time in your life when God asked you to wait?
Read more..God says it’s going to be a while, so make a life. Don’t invest your energy in hopes of leaving; instead, invest your energy in the people around you
Read more..In Psalm 145:1-6 David shows us 3 practical ways in which we can honor our Lord daily
Read more..In Jesus we have all spiritual blessings and all grace abounding toward us. He gives us all His life, all His love, all His heart, all the time.
Read more..Are you enjoying the goodness of the Lord? Psalm 107:8-9 "Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness."
Read more..Lord, little by little You are getting through my befuddled mind to teach me another practical concept about living a life pleasing to You.Lord Jesus, I know You said that in this world we would have troubles, but for some reason, I really thought there would be fewer problems as I aged, that I would become wise. But life becomes more complicated.
Read more..Thought. How many times have you been disappointed by someone for whom you voted, betrayed by a friend, been abandoned by a loved one, or let down by a church leader?
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