September 3, 2022
As You Stand on the Bank
As you face impossible situations, Be comforted in this fact...Jesus Who lives and reigns on the throne Of your heart, is contending with Those who are contending with you.
Read more..As you face impossible situations, Be comforted in this fact...Jesus Who lives and reigns on the throne Of your heart, is contending with Those who are contending with you.
Read more..Giving thanks - it feels like stepping from a hot stuffy room into a room with fresh air.
Read more..Far too often I hear variations of this statement: “I’ve tried everything I know to do, and nothing is working, so now I’ll give it to God.
Read more..I don't know about you, but I've stumbled my way through much of life. I've tripped at some of the most embarrassing moments. I've stumbled over my own feet, ...
Read more..When did you express pride in your thoughts or actions? When did you treat others wrongly out of impatience or frustration? Hand over each situation honestly to Jesus in prayer and ask him to change you.
Read more..What is true unconditional love. Do we accept it from God? Why does my heart do this yo-yo dance with God? “How great is the love the Father has LAVISHED on us,
Read more..“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4
Read more..We are all naturally wired to think only of ourselves. Other people mattered deeply to Jesus.
Read more..Do you believe God will give you what you need?
Read more..When we do something to glorify God, like giving a cup of cold water in His name, in obedience to His commandments, and with a desire that He should be honored, He will consider it as done unto Him and reward us accordingly.
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