July 21, 2022
Refuse Anxiety
When an anxious thought comes knocking on the door of your mind, you can refuse it entrance.
Read more..When an anxious thought comes knocking on the door of your mind, you can refuse it entrance.
Read more..“Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift
Read more..The Holy Spirit is our mind's gate. The gate code is the Word of God. Whenever something rattles our thoughts, we should ask, does it jibe with what I know to be Truth?
Read more..In times of confusion, we can take comfort that while we may not understand everything while here on earth (read Psalm 73:1-22), God will be faithful. Everything we have and know here on earth is subject to decay, but our relationship with the LORD is our strength forever. He will not abandon, fail, or forget us.
Read more..Every moment of your life your accuser is filing charges against you. He has noticed every error and marked each slip … Try to forget your past; he’ll remind you. Try to undo your mistakes; he will thwart you.
Read more..Do you ever think that you have sinned so much that God can’t forgive you? You aren’t the only one. We at Thoughts About God receive so many prayer requests asking us to pray for them because they have been involved in many sinful activities and they are sure that God will never forgive them. You know what—that is a lie from Satan.
Read more..Through God’s restoring power in my life, I have more peace and less anxiety. I’ve learned that He loves me as I am, imperfections and all. He will guide me if I take the time to be still and listen to His voice.
Read more..Thought: What is your strength? Is it your youth? ...your conditioning? ...your wisdom? ...your friends? ...your experience? None of us can depend upon our human ability.
Read more..To teach our children is a personal duty. We cannot delegate it to Sunday school teachers, or other friendly aids.
Read more..When we do come back, God doesn’t just forgive us; He dresses us up with a new identity, He clothes us in a rob of righteousness. He shows us we are loved and that we belong.
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