April 30, 2022
Refiner’s Fire
Dear one, can you picture this? God must purify us to burn away the garbage in our life, but won't go beyond what we can bear.
Read more..Dear one, can you picture this? God must purify us to burn away the garbage in our life, but won't go beyond what we can bear.
Read more..Unhealed hurts can lead to various symptoms, such as feelings of inferiority, fear of failure or criticism, and oversensitivity.
Read more..How often do we beat ourselves up about some past sin or hurt that we have done in our lives? Why do we do this?
Read more..Be blessed to know that your Father created you for this time. He knew exactly what would be happening in your life as you are living it now
Read more..What’s the one thing separating you from joy? How would you finish the statement: “I’ll be happy when….”
Read more..Forgiveness! What a sweet and precious gift. What we were powerless to fix, make up or pay for, God did for us in Jesus.
Read more..Have you ever had a spiritual high, only then to slide into the valley at lightning speed? You come home from a fabulous spirit-filled retreat and discover the water heater burst and flooded the house, or the entire family contracts the stomach virus, or you get an IRS audit notice in the mail. Why Lord? Couldn't You have let me feel great for just a while longer? Jesus understands. The same thing happened to Him:
Read more..Many of us need to be released from a great burden. The burden I am speaking about is not a huge work load, a full schedule, a pressing need, or a perplexing problem. The burden is our efforts to try and work “all things together for good.”
Read more..If others are to see His life, we need to step out of the way and become a corner in this dark world where the life of Christ can be reflected.
Read more..“Why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31 Several years ago, my husband became critically ill. Initially,
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