July 21, 2021
Is forgiveness through Christ final? Yes. 100%! Father, Thank You for this amazing truth. May we never dishonor You by accepting our standing cheaply.
Read more..Is forgiveness through Christ final? Yes. 100%! Father, Thank You for this amazing truth. May we never dishonor You by accepting our standing cheaply.
Read more..What moves you out of your place of contentment? What are you grateful for today? Dear Lord, Thank You that You are my shepherd and I have everything I need.
Read more..Steadfast and Faithful Father, still my restless and sometimes covetous heart and help me find my contentment in your presence and character in my life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Read more..Thought: As I carry my burdens today - large or small - I will recognize that my heavenly Father is carrying me
Read more..Dear friend, you don’t need the favor of people. Because God loves you. You are His favored, His beloved. He uses difficult times and even attacks from the enemy, in order to work in you wholeness and maturity.
Read more..There will be times when I won't understand God’s ways, but that doesn't mean the Bible isn’t true. These times only reveal my limited understanding of God’s ways.
Read more..Thought for the day: Don't ever sell short what God can do "because of you."
Read more..Faith vanishes fear. Faith empowers us because we know God is in control and He will, as it states in Romans, work things out for the good for those who believe (8:28). Our relationship with God determines our view of the world.
Read more..Changing from turmoil to peace, from anxiety to trust, from worry to assurance, from striving to rest, comes by changing kingdoms.
Read more..Most of us have sung, “Jesus loves me this I know,” and recited “For God so loved the world,” since we were children. Yet, we don’t experience God’s love. Why is that? We may have been desperately disappointed by people who claim to love us, and now we are skeptical of love--even God’s love.
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