January 30, 2020
At His Feet
Imagine… If you had the chance to sit at the feet of Jesus, to look upon His face and deep into His eyes, and listen to every word He had to say. Doesn't the very thought take your breath away?
Read more..Imagine… If you had the chance to sit at the feet of Jesus, to look upon His face and deep into His eyes, and listen to every word He had to say. Doesn't the very thought take your breath away?
Read more..Thought. What we know about God is confined to our small brains, our limited experiences, our willingness to read about the great deeds of God in Scripture, and our hearing of his incredible work through the lives of older Christians.
Read more..If we view Him as a God of love and forgiveness, we are prompted to love and forgive others also. Our view of God determines the quality and degree of our faith.
Read more..When I read that God is “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love,” I can ask myself if those same characteristics are becoming more a reality in my life. Am I looking at difficult people with compassion?
Read more..Friend, maybe you, like Gracie, need to be lovingly reminded of God’s purpose for your life. If you’ve turned your heart over to Jesus, God promises that you are purposed, planned, loved and guided through this life.
Read more..You have a God who hears you, the power of love behind you, the Holy Spirit within you, and all of heaven ahead of you. If you have the Shepherd, you have grace for every sin, direction for every turn, a candle for every corner, and an anchor for every storm. You have everything you need.
Read more..Question: Do you believe your rope, God, will hold you during tough times? Are you willing to let go of the things that give you security?
Read more..Father God, I am so grateful that I can stand before you as righteous because of what Jesus did for me. Thank you for keeping me strong till the very end of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read more..Whether you have recently become a believer or have followed Christ for many years, you’ve undoubtedly discovered that the Christian life is a series of highs and lows.
Read more..Success and strength can become dangerous when uncoupled from reliance upon our Creator God, when we assume autonomy instead of recognition that all we are and all we accomplish are from the hand of a gracious God.
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