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Tag: Jesus

January 12, 2024

Developing Patience

James tells us to consider trials a joy (1:2). But we often fail at this, don't we? Humanly speaking, praising the Lord for tribulation is unnatural. However, doing so begins to make sense to believers when they cling to God's promise that good comes from hardship.

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January 11, 2024

A Life Under His Blessing

God loves you and me, my friend, even when we fail. He loves us enough to help us change our ways and move back to Him.

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January 11, 2024

The Seal of Your Father’s Pleasure

God told his Son how he felt about him. He fed him with his words that nourished him with the vital emotional nutrients of sonship

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January 10, 2024

What Matters Most for the New Year

Since the dawn of mankind in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve - to the dawn of a new year, God has been pursuing a relationship with us-built on faith and obedience in our walk with Him.

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January 10, 2024

Our Heart and our Treasure

As we allow Jesus to minister His cleansing and healing, God transforms our thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions, aligning our treasure with our heart.

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January 9, 2024

Real Life

Thought: God wants us to have life! Real life. Life that lasts forever with him! That's why he sent Jesus, so we could have life.

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January 9, 2024

Stop for a Moment

Stop for a moment just to listen. You see, it is when we surrender our control that we find total satisfaction in life. No longer will we work to be like everyone else, life our lives in a hurried pace to accomplish one task after another, but we will find ourselves being satisfied with Him and Him alone. He is more than enough.

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January 8, 2024

Amazing Grace

“Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.” When John Newton penned this promise, he did so out of personal experience

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January 7, 2024

Be Confident in God’s Strength in You

God wants you to be confident that he’s pouring his strength into you so you can do whatever it takes to defeat these giants. God says you can take possession of an abundant life because he is with you.

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January 7, 2024

The Road Less Traveled

For much of my life, I have had this propensity to want to be in control. For a long time, fear kept me from turning over the keys to my Savior. Fear of what He might do.

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