July 25, 2024
Jesus, Others, You
The perfect formula for JOY is “Jesus, Others, You.” When you put Jesus first in your life, you stay with Him and have the joy He promised His followers.
Read more..The perfect formula for JOY is “Jesus, Others, You.” When you put Jesus first in your life, you stay with Him and have the joy He promised His followers.
Read more..Christ my life, and Christ my light, Christ for morning, noon, and night; Christ when all around gives way, Christ my everlasting stay;
Read more..Where does your heart live? Is there a constant awareness in your life that God is present? Is he the unseen but always present companion
Read more.."Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Read more..Father God, You know just what I need. And I need to proclaim your love and faithfulness every day.
Read more..She just keeps saying “yes” to Jesus. Simple, isn’t it? While Marti has lived with disappointments and sorrow,
Read more..In a recent conversation with a successful businessman, he described how he encourages his Christian colleagues to live and work in a secular environment where a verbal expression of faith may not be welcome or even allowed.
Read more..In Isaiah, the Lord refers to himself as a store! A rich store filled with everything good, beautiful and necessary for abundant life.
Read more..When we call to the Lord ”when we cry out to Him” we can be confident of his support and His rescue. Because He delights in us.
Read more..He was staggering along the side of the road with his thumb out hoping for a ride. My first thought was to drive on by... but instead we stopped and picked him up.
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