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Tag: listen

March 25, 2024

Tune My Heart

It can be hard to hear God in the busyness of life. Take today’s lesson to hear how to listen better. Question: When is it hard to hear God? Where do you find it easiest to hear His gentle whisper?

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January 9, 2024

Stop for a Moment

Stop for a moment just to listen. You see, it is when we surrender our control that we find total satisfaction in life. No longer will we work to be like everyone else, life our lives in a hurried pace to accomplish one task after another, but we will find ourselves being satisfied with Him and Him alone. He is more than enough.

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January 7, 2023

The Pause that Refreshes

Pause and Listen: Father, it is so easy to keep active, to somehow believe that activity equals relationships with you. Forgive us for ignoring your call to refreshment. In Jesus name, amen.

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December 6, 2021

Sit Down and Listen

If prayer is truly a conversation, then we should listen for His response instead of doing all the talking.

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March 16, 2020

The Art of Listening

We too need to train our ears to hear the sound of the Master as He turns pages in our lives. "Whoever has ears, let them hear." Matthew 11:15

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November 10, 2016

Let Me Hear Your Word and Obey

Father, I pray today that I see the parts of my life where I am not being obedient to your word. Lord let me repent of this today, truly want to turn from these sins, and seek only your face, and your presence.

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May 31, 2009

Set Your Compass in the Right Direction

by Max Lucado _____________________________________________________________ The problem is not that God hasn’t spoken but that we

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