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Tag: love

February 11, 2020

It’s The Thought that Counts

He smiled widely as he mounted the stairs and approached the front door to the house. One hand behind his back, obviously hiding something. As he walked through the doorway, he leaned over to kiss me and proceeded to tell me he was thinking about me on his way home.

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January 23, 2020

Have You Let God Love You?

It is only by receiving our Father’s agape love that we can discover an agape love for others.  Be loved, and then love.  Just as hurt people hurt people, loved people love people.  So let God love you!

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January 13, 2020

Encourage One Another

Dee didn’t pick me because I was good.  He called my name for one reason only.  He was my big brother.  And on that day he decided to be a good big brother.

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January 12, 2020

Living Wisely

Are you living as God desires—turning from sin and progressing in holiness. Does His Word fill your mind and shape your thoughts, behavior, and attitudes? Are you yielding to the Holy Spirit so He can produce His fruit in you?

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January 10, 2020

Always With Us

Abandonment is a common issue in this world. Maybe you have experienced it yourself. But God says he will stick with you no matter how hard it gets.

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January 6, 2020

Ponder the Holiness of God

Stare at the mountain less and at the Mountain Mover more. Ponder the holiness of God. Let his splendor stun you and inspire you!

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December 27, 2019

Jesus Became Like Us

John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and lived among us.”  The God of the universe left the glory of heaven and moved into the neighborhood. Our neighborhood! Why? Because He loves to be with the ones he loves!

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December 23, 2019

Seek and to Save

Jesus came so that the last could be first, the sick could be healed, the sinners could be saved, and the lost could be found. That was his purpose: to fix that which was broken ? not just us, but our world, our humanity, and all that goes with it.

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December 15, 2019

Peace on Earth

As we enter this yuletide season amidst a fallen world of strife and conflict, we should be reminded about what Jesus said about peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you."

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December 11, 2019

God Is Present

‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14). In all of life’s challenges, God gives us the one thing we need the most:His Presence.

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