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Tag: love

July 22, 2019

Seed Planters

I used to work in a program where overtly talking about God was not allowed. It took me years to resolve the fact that while I couldn’t speak the name of Jesus, I could ask God to make me into a seed planter by teaching biblically-based principles and treating my clients with love and respect.

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July 12, 2019

The One Always by Your Side

Having major surgery is no small feat, even in the best of hospitals. When I thought about how blessed I was to have a private nurse at my side, I thought of a spiritual parallel.

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July 12, 2019

In Spite of the Circumstances

An eighty-something-year-old beautiful woman of God reminded me of one of the keys to living a Divinely inspired life: praising God in the midst of the most difficult, un-Kingdom-like circumstances.

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July 9, 2019

Unrequited Love

“He knows exactly what we are and loves us anyway.” Despite our lack of love for God, he, demonstrated unrequited love for us by sending Jesus as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

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July 4, 2019

Reflected Glory

If we are willing vessels, day by day we will reflect the glory of our Lord.

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June 26, 2019

From Rocks to Pure Gold

God is like the mining master and we are His precious gold, but before we can become pure, we too have to be forged by fire, separated from our natural impurities and then molded to His specifications for serving Him.

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June 18, 2019

Power, Love and Self Discipline

How quickly we can get that run down feeling when continually being faced by those we tend not to like.

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June 18, 2019

Blessed Are Those Who Love the Irritating

When someone sins against us, our flesh rises up and demands retribution. But the way of grace must watch over our hearts, guard our mouths, and release the offender.

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June 11, 2019

Loyal to Your Fears or Loyal to Jesus?

Jesus says we should understand this: if we fear we will lose out on life by following him, the truth is we will lose it all anyway, and at the same time, we will lose out on the real, kingdom life we’re searching for.

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June 10, 2019

Christian Civility

Jesus calls Christians to words and actions that go far beyond civility, even civility. His call is life altering, indeed it is death to self.

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