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Tag: mercy

September 13, 2017

Behold the Lord Jesus

“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you

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September 12, 2017

What Are You Bringing?

What does your presence bring to those you encounter? You can’t manage anyone’s responses to life except your own. However, paying attention to your own responses will help you think about what you are bringing to encounters you have with others.

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September 11, 2017

What Do You Want Jesus to Do for You?

“What do you want me to do for you?” Matthew 20: 32 Jesus was on

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September 10, 2017

Lord Of All

In recent decades the phrase “easy believism” has surfaced. Unfortunately, it describes a large number

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September 10, 2017

Why Am I Here?

Be assured, dear one…God is committed to your development. Pray for God’s direction and guidance.  Think about your spiritual gifts and skills. Observe God at work in your life, and allow him to shape you through good and difficult times.

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September 7, 2017


Our souls are not immune to being hacked, either. Call him what you will...the devil, the evil one, satan, the father of lies. He leans in and whispers into our brains --interrupting our thoughts and warping around blessings. Where is your firewall the most vulnerable? How can you make sure your soul is "unhack-able"? Continue reading...

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September 3, 2017

The Stronghold of Cold Love

We each need people who love us, who are committed to us in spite of our imperfections. The fullness of Christ will not come without Christians standing with each other in love. We are not talking about salvation but growing in salvation until we care for each other, even as Christ has committed Himself to us.

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August 25, 2017

The Plan

Some people have great moments of clarity that change their life, whilst for others these are but a moment's fancy that soon pass. Such are life's choices: to see or not; to have faith or to doubt; to believe or not.

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August 24, 2017

Speaking in Silence

Dad never said a word. But he did show up. He did listen up. That's what your Father God does. His presence may be quiet, but he'll show up. And he'll listen.

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August 22, 2017

Don’t Go With the Flow

I just don't see God as doling out ease and contentment. His business lies more in the areas of refining and shaping us to conform more to the image of Christ, and none of that comes easy.

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