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Tag: mercy

October 5, 2023

What’s Going on in Your Heart?

Have you thought lately about your role as the “gate-keeper” of your heart?

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October 2, 2023

Mouthing the Words

If you see someone in need, reach out in love. Find ways to ease their pain, hold their hand, or just listen without judgment.

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September 30, 2023

Welcoming Strangers

"Was our friend an angel as described in the book of Hebrews? He didn’t look particularly angelic, but his presence brought blessing that we recall to this very day."

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September 29, 2023

Mercy for Judgement

The opposite of mercy is judgment. Mercy is not easy for me. My whole character leans toward judgment.

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September 27, 2023

The Real God in the Midst of Real Pain

God did not rescue Jesus from the temptations of the Evil One. He gave Him power to resist. What do you do when you lose your dreams?

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September 26, 2023

He Honors the Humble

It is part of God's plan to abase the proud and raise up the humble. Our goal should be committed service for the Savior. We should let Him take care of the honoring and the humbling.

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September 26, 2023

Humility Toward Each Other

What do you do when you hear that someone was hurt by something you did?

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September 24, 2023

What An Idiot

What do people need besides our critical comments? Dear God, Help me extend grace and patience to others just as I hope you will do towards me. Amen.

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September 22, 2023

Ears to Hear

“Let he who has ears to hear, use them.” “Happy are those who listen to me” is the promise of Proverbs 8:34.

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September 19, 2023

Not of This World

Why is it that faith in the Holy Spirit is practiced so little by Christians? The world rules too much in the lives of Christians. 

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