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Tag: mercy

April 22, 2023

God Restores Us

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like life will never be the same again? Your emotions or circumstances are in disarray?

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April 18, 2023

What You Can Rely On

There is a spiritual parallel in Proverbs 3:4-5 that assures us we can lean on, trust in and be confident in the Lord, casting aside our own inadequate insight or understanding. If we do, he will prepare the life road ahead. I like the Amplified Bible translation where it says He will make “plain our paths.”

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April 17, 2023


O Lord, “Teach me Your way that I may rely on Your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may stand in awe of Your name.” Amen.

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April 16, 2023

God of Love

How sweet it is to witness the Savior intimately connecting with His own beloved people! There can be nothing more delightful than being led into this fertile field of delight by the Holy Spirit.

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April 14, 2023

Turning Toward the Son

We must regularly and intentionally turn to the Son. Bask in his love, drink of his love, accept his love. Feed regularly on the nutrients from his Word, the Bible.

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April 13, 2023

The Love that Will Not Let You Go

If His love was anything less than tenacious and loyal, He would have tired of you and me long ago.

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April 12, 2023

At the Feet of Jesus

Imagine…If you had the chance to sit at the feet of Jesus, To look upon His face and deep into His eyes, And listen to every word He had to say. Doesn't the very thought take your breath away? ...

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April 8, 2023

The Power of the Cross

Righteous Father, I know the cross was a brutal symbol of being cursed. Yet to me it is as precious as it is brutal and it is as beautiful as it was hideous. Through the Cross, you saved me from my sin and showed how much you loved me. Thank you!

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April 6, 2023

Christ Crucified

“He was wounded for the wrong things WE did. He was crushed for the evil things we did. The punishment which made us well, was given to Him, And we are healed because of His wounds.”

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April 3, 2023

The Gentle Christian

How do I embrace a gentle spirit when I have been hurt and/or deceived? There is only one way. Open myself to Christ and ask Him to develop a gentle, discerning spirit within me.

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