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Tag: mercy

November 2, 2019


“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15

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November 1, 2019

Be Teachable

We are truly fortunate to have a Father that disciplines and instructs us. It is our job to be teachable and make sure we are paying attention.

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November 1, 2019

Developing a Tender Heart

When touched by the finger of God, a tender heart yields to the pressure and assumes the form He desires, much like a lump of clay that allows the potter to determine the shape of the vessel.

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October 31, 2019

Who Am I Really? A Victim or a Victor?

If we base our self-worth on a sad experience which happened in the past such as: I’m a divorcee; I’ve had cancer,  I’ve suffered abuse…This leads to defeated thinking like I’m damaged goods, this is who I am; I can’t change it.

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October 29, 2019


Question: How can you seek to grow spiritually in the next week, month, and year?

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October 25, 2019

Another Man’s Righteousness

What about you? Are you trusting in your own ability to please God? Is your hope for heaven based on your goodness outweighing your badness? Do you believe God will let you into heaven since you tried your best to do what’s right?

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October 23, 2019

Surrendering Self

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.” Mark 8:34-35

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October 19, 2019

God Peels Back the Layers until the Real You is Revealed

God keeps peeling away the layers until the real you is revealed. He uses adversity in your life to scrape away the layers that cover your real life.

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October 19, 2019

It’s For You

Father God, thank you that I can come to you and call upon you, not because of who I am but because of who you are. Thank you that you are the same Lord over all of us and you will show yourself to those who call on you.

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October 18, 2019

A Servant’s Heart

Lord, help me to love you and your people so much that, like Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, my desire is to serve rather than make excuses why I can’t. Amen.

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