June 10, 2021
Hear the Voice
Today, if you choose, you can hear the voice of Jesus and live.
Read more..Today, if you choose, you can hear the voice of Jesus and live.
Read more..Thank you, dear Father, for slowing down my frantic life and leading me to times of refreshment, rest, and nourishment.
Read more..God wants us to make him a priority, which means making room for Jesus. We can ask the Holy Spirit to help us glorify our Savior above all.
Read more..What’s your mountain? I suddenly realized I’d been fixating on my mountain instead of fixing my eyes on my God. I assumed I would climb this mountain in one gigantic impossible leap, instead of one boot at a time.
Read more..I take medicine daily, too. I might skip a day without any horrid ramifications, but if I skip two or three days, my health may be endangered. The same with my spiritual life.
Read more..Are you weighed down by the clutter in your life? I mean lots of little chores to do sometime in no particular order.
Read more..Be quiet. Wait upon the Lord and compose your soul. Don't let your unbelieving words deplete your spirit;
Read more..In the Bible I read that God values me not for what I achieve but for who I am in Christ: I am a child of God, (Ephesians 1:5) a citizen of heaven (Ephesians 2:19) a joint-heir with Christ (Romans 8:17).
Read more..Is there anybody you'd rather not see in heaven? What if God chooses to extend mercy to that person? Would you go away and pout like Jonah?
Read more..“The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit. “ Psalm 34:18
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