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Tag: peace

August 27, 2023

Handling the Tough Times

How do you handle your tough times? When you are tired of trying, tired of forgiving, tired of hard weeks or hard-headed people—how do you manage your dark days?

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August 26, 2023


You are an influencer! Our words, our tones, our attitudes impact how each encounter plays out through the entire week. You have opportunities to make a difference, to influence.

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August 26, 2023

In Everything You Do

The "Golden Rule" is so straightforward, isn't it? Sometimes we make things, especially religious things, far too complicated and complex.

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August 25, 2023


Man needs nothing so much as he needs something to bring life together into total meaning.—E. Stanley Jones

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August 23, 2023

Caught Blue-Handed

Have you met people who refuse to deal with sin in their life, who cross their arms and huff “I’ve done nothing wrong!”?

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August 21, 2023

A Heart of Thankfulness

Psalm 107:1 “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever.” Prayer – Lord, may I never forget all the blessings You have given me. Like the Psalmist, help me to be thankful today through a prayer or a song of praise. Amen.

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August 20, 2023

If Not for Your Grace

Thought: Is there something you just can’t seem to get right on your own? Write it down and present it to God. Ask for His help. Then remain in the trust that He will, in time, provide what you need.

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August 20, 2023

The Message of Grace

The message of God is the message of grace. Grace that is entirely God’s. God loving. God offering.

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August 19, 2023

What Do You Smell Like?

I want to be the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Christ in every place… How about you?

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August 17, 2023

God Works within Us

The Holy Spirit has more than enough power to transform lives from the inside out, but working change within is usually a slow process. Spiritual fruit takes time to grow and mature. That’s why we need patience and faith to believe He is...

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