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Tag: peace

July 20, 2023

How to Hold On

In order to hold on to God through any trial or temptation, commit to trust and follow Him all of your days. Lay claim to His promises: The unchanging Lord and Savior (Hebrews 13:8) is committed to caring for you in all circumstances (1 Peter 5:7) and will never leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)

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July 19, 2023

The Deceitful Heart

Prayer: Righteous Father, please help me guard my heart and be wise enough not to place things into it that would rob it of its devotion to you.

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July 17, 2023


What is it that we declare about the Lord? Do we, like David, declare “He alone is my refuge, my place of safety”? Do we declare that “He is my God, and I trust him”?

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July 15, 2023

The Supernatural Power of Praise

Praise is a form of sacrifice. Ninth, praise makes for a more joyful life. Tenth, praise enhances human relationships. Eleventh, praise is a supernatural expression of faith.

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July 15, 2023

Worship the Lord Your God

Do you feel the passionate heart connection that marks worship?  Each day your Abba Father in Heaven awaits that type of connection with you. 

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July 14, 2023

Blessed are Those Who See and Hear

Is there something in your life that keeps you from seeing and hearing God? What does it mean to really surrender everything to God?

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July 13, 2023

Too Much Grey!

In today’s world, believers need an infallible moral compass to ensure they don’t surrender to popular opinion.

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July 12, 2023

Talking to God!

“Always keep on praying” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Our granddaughters, Mercedes (age five) and Tia (age

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July 8, 2023

I am Thanking You Right NOW

Dear GOD: I want to thank You for what you have already done. I am

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July 6, 2023

Trusting God in Extreme Situations

Are you in a place today where you are ready to give up? Throw in the towel?

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