January 4, 2022
Forget the Former Things
Lord of all eternity, please help me to learn from my mistakes this past year, but not to dwell on them. The year is gone, finished, past. We cannot reclaim it or undo it.
Read more..Lord of all eternity, please help me to learn from my mistakes this past year, but not to dwell on them. The year is gone, finished, past. We cannot reclaim it or undo it.
Read more..So this year – I’m not holding back, I refuse to play it safe. I’m making a list and trusting in God’s power to enable me to keep them. And if I fail - it won’t be the end of the world. I’ll pick myself up, wipe the dust off and try again with God by my side.
Read more..God calls us to guard our hearts and minds carefully. God tells us to let faith take the upper hand and cover over the fear that tries to slip in.
Read more..What are we doing for the sake of the gospel? Are you praying? Are you going? Are you giving?
Read more..A glorious truth of Scripture is the certainty that if we seek after the Lord we will not be disappointed. Seekers are finders.
Read more..Are you feeling empty from trying to satisfy your soul with something other than the Lord? Come to Him with all your heart, and discover the fullness He offers.
Read more..Poem by Margaret Mullings. You are Peace and Contentment!
Read more..My children often show me the very basics of our humanness. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Read more..Have you considered that you are constantly in God’s thoughts? Does this truth give you comfort and confidence?
Read more..God's Plan for humanity....it was crafted in the halls of heaven and carried out on the plains of earth. Only holiness could have imagined it.
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