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Tag: power

October 27, 2019

Out of the Box

God is bigger than I will ever understand.  Greater than I can ever imagine and more powerful than a locomotive!  He’s my true Superhero!  So what is keeping me from praying Superhero prayers?

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October 23, 2019

The Blessing of His Will

God is the One who is able and willing to equip us with everything good for doing his will. He aligns our lives with his and works within our character to shape us. All this is done through Jesus Christ.

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October 10, 2019

When God Seems Small

When God seems small, we need to remember the exhortation found many times in the Psalms to magnify the Lord. To “magnify” means to “to increase in significance; to cause to be held in greater esteem; to enlarge.” (Webster’s dictionary)

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October 7, 2019

Jesus is With You Always

He delights to be with us. If He does not come, if He does not seem close, it is because we hinder Him by our indifference. He will reveal Himself to our earnest prayers, and graciously lend an ear to our praises, requests, and tears, for these are the golden chains which bind Jesus to His people.

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October 4, 2019

He Hears Our Cries

God knows the hopes of humble people, and He will hear our cries and comfort our hearts. Sometimes He withholds the rain; other times He sends the rain and with it the outpouring of His blessings.

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October 4, 2019

How to Convince Your Heart that His Arm is Not Too Short

Remember: His arm is never too short, and His hand can reach even the tiniest trouble.

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September 16, 2019

Hope for a Bright Tomorrow

Hope in God comes from more than a belief that He exists. The Bible calls hope in God “an anchor for the soul”.

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September 14, 2019

God Isn’t a Consolation Prize

It’s the promise of a life beyond this broken one, a far better life than we have ever known that we must cling to in this uphill journey. 

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August 20, 2019

Growling Like a Bear

To God, we all sound like angry bears and distressed birds when we complain about not getting that promotion, or finding a spouse, or whatever else we feel we deserve. But God isn’t laughing when he hears us moaning and grumbling.

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July 25, 2019

The Stones Cry Out

If the stones were to speak, they could tell of how God took them from the quarry, shaped them, and made them fit for the temple. We too can testify of all the ways God has guided us,

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