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Tag: power

August 17, 2023

Living Water

Fresh clean water flowing from a mountain!  When was the last time you drank from a fresh mountain stream?  Or have you ever?

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August 10, 2023

You are Special

The odds of a planet like ours existing anywhere in the universe, let alone containing life like ours, is infinitesimally small. Science has merely reconfirmed God’s word: We are special.

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August 6, 2023

Our God Is an Awesome God?

How do we know the God we serve and say we believe in is an awesome God if we are never in a situation where we need an awesome God?

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August 4, 2023

Never Give Up

The power of persistence accomplishes great things. Perhaps you’re tired and discouraged. Come to God in your weakness and tell Him, “I depend on you to see me through this.” God is with you to be your strength. He knows the pattern and will guide you to it. However, you must also do your part.

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July 31, 2023

Satan’s Condemnation

Satan has deputized people to peddle his poison. Friends dredge up your past. Preachers proclaim all guilt and no grace. 

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July 22, 2023

Hunger and Thirst

Do you hunger and thirst after righteousness, for the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit in your life? If so, you can claim that fullness and power right now by faith.

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July 16, 2023


We can never determine all the why’s of God’s leading. But we know this . . . His own, silent answer to our why’s have a greater meaning than we could ever comprehend.

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July 3, 2023

May You Know the Love of God

May you know the love of God in its fullness, in its endlessness, in its loveliness, in its tenderness—

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June 23, 2023

He Will Tell You

There is a difference between temptation and sin. Temptation is the initial impression to do something contrary to God's will. Such impressions come to all people, even as they did to the Lord, and they are not sin in themselves. Temptation becomes sin when we meditate on the impression and develop a strong desire, which is often followed by the actual act of disobedience.

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June 14, 2023

He is Out to Destroy You

John 10:10 “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness”

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