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Tag: Prayer

January 5, 2024

Good News for You

With all the negative news in the media, today I want to share with you some good news. God is still God, and he knows the plans that he has for you. That doesn't mean that life will get easier. The famous verse in Jeremiah we like to quote was written to people in captivity for seventy years! But it is still true.

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January 2, 2024

A New Year Prayer

A New Year Prayer by Gail Rodgers. From the Bible comes this beautiful and powerful prayer of David. A perfect prayer to write out and keep as a daily prayer throughout this new year.

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January 1, 2024

Six Needs You Will Have in 2024

Six Needs You Will Have in the New Year. 1. There will be the need for prayer. 2. There will be the need to trust: 3....

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November 15, 2023

Prayer: The Great Exchange

Prayer is the great exchange—need replaced by peace even when the need still exists. Prayer places the trial in Another’s hands and knows His faithfulness will stand the test.

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November 15, 2023

Praying for You

When we hear of Christians in other places, especially where circumstances and times are difficult, or they are new in the Faith, let's intentionally and purposefully pray this prayer for them!

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November 5, 2023

The Power of a Prayer

Friend, never underestimate the power behind a prayer. While we may not sometimes see immediate results, be sure the Lord hears every fervent prayer. Therefore, as the Apostle Paul recommends, “Never stop praying” 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

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November 2, 2023

What Do You Say?

What is there to say when tragedy strikes? Proverbs 2:1-5 gives us a clue: ...turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—...

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October 28, 2023

Words, Words, Words

Look for the reasons to praise your children.  Do it often. Every day! Use words that encourage. Things like, “I love you sweetheart.”  Or, “I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

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October 24, 2023

A New Deal

So instead of God waiting for you to mess up, and we all mess up, he provided a way to forgive the mistakes and a Helper to guide your heart and mind to do better.

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October 9, 2023

Thanksgiving in Prayer

A thankful life is a prayerful life. A life void of prayer is an unthankful life. Whatever you do in the bustle of day-to-day life, remember to give thanks.

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