July 20, 2020
Learning to Give Control to God
“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” Psalm 105:4A It’s comforting to know God sees the larger picture and the future is in His hands.
Read more..“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” Psalm 105:4A It’s comforting to know God sees the larger picture and the future is in His hands.
Read more..To preserve the quality of your love, you must forgive those who have caused you to stumble. Depending on the issue itself, it may be that you legitimately cannot trust them, but you do not have a reason to stop loving.
Read more..When everyone else was trembling in fear, Caleb and Joshua were ready to march ahead. Who does that? Why would they believe when everyone else did not?
Read more..During all the chaos of social distancing and isolation, I hope you have drawn closer to God and realized that the things that matter in life are not the material ones. We all need each other, and we need Him.
Read more..Heavenly Father, help me daily to remember to step back from the distractions of this life. I want to spend time listening at your feet, like Mary, so I can make my relationship with you my top priority. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Read more..‘The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.” (Psalm 34:17-18)
Read more..No one likes turbulent times, but until we reach heaven, they will be a part of our life. No matter what the apparent source is, God ultimately directs every situation, because His sovereignty rules over all.
Read more..“In the world you will have trouble…” John 16:33 How easily we’ve bought into the
Read more..Hear and receive God’s Word in John 17:23 (NLT). “I in them and you in
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