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Tag: strength

February 20, 2023

To Him be the Glory

“To Him be the glory forever! Amen.” Romans 11:36 “To Him be the glory forever!”

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January 29, 2023

We Hear His Voice

I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me be more sensitive. Especially that I may be sensitive to what He would have me say to those around me who are in need of His love and forgiveness.

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January 26, 2023

God is Working Through Our Circumstances

Yes, we can expect to face suffering in our faith journey. He promises the pain and hardships will serve their purpose and contribute to an overall good in his plan for our lives.

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January 24, 2023

Dangling Threads

You want to pull it, but you know you shouldn't. That dangling thread on the seam of your clothes is bugging you. Does that describe your life?

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January 22, 2023

Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength

Ever wonder what the Bible means when it says to love God with your heart, soul, strength, and mind?

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January 18, 2023


Take your life’s talent, resources…… and give it all to Christ this coming year. Let me suggest the L.I.F.E acrostic: 1. LABOUR 2. INFLUENCE 3. FINANCE 4. EXPERTISE

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January 17, 2023

Alert and Committed

Have you remained committed to your objectives and goals so far? “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13

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January 16, 2023

God Blesses You

All year round, every hour of every day, God is richly blessing us. He blesses us when we sleep, and when we wake His mercy is upon us. The sun may leave us a legacy of darkness, but our God never ceases to shine on His children with beams of love.

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January 14, 2023

Taking Risks

Where is God calling you to trust Him? Remember, each time you face risk, it’s an opportunity to experience His faithfulness firsthand.

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January 4, 2023

His Strength Made Ours

His strength.  Made ours. “. . . out of weakness were made strong.”(Hebrews 11:34)

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