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Tag: strength

May 13, 2021

When Facing Life’s Mountains

Wouldn’t it be great if it were easy to do God’s will? But sometimes it seems as if a mountain stands between us and what we’ve been called to do. Read: Zechariah 4:1-9

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May 6, 2021

Bitter Hearts

When tempted to react angrily to someone else, ask the Holy Spirit to help you exercise self-control and look at that person with compassion.

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May 5, 2021

Alarms in Your Life

A fit of anger. Uncontrolled debt. A guilty conscience. Icy relationships. Alarms in your life. When they go off, how do you respond?

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May 3, 2021

Keep a Soft Heart

Do you notice how easy it is to get a hard heart? God’s value system is so often in direct contrast to the values of our world.

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May 2, 2021

Let’s Major in God

Lord God, train us to walk on your path. Teach us to see you in situations that are dangerous and difficult. Like David, when we are surrounded by overwhelming challenges may our thoughts and words turn first to you. Rather than discuss the problem, remind us to discuss you. May our first thought in the morning and our last thought at night be centered on you. Rather than worry about the impossibilities, let us major in your mighty power. When we am tempted to look at the giants in our lives, we will choose to look at you, amen.

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May 1, 2021

The Trust Factor

Trust is an important element in relationships if they are to develop-- whether it is marriage, family or career. The Bible tells us to trust God. To lean and be confident in Him.

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May 1, 2021

Confident In God’s Promises

What giants are you facing today? Meditate on the greatness or "bigness" of God. How do your problems compare?

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April 30, 2021

His Timing

Many of us are experiencing challenging times right now. Frustration rises as we pray and anxiously await answers from the Lord. Tempers are flaring and many are probably contemplating giving up and letting go of their promises from the Lord.

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April 27, 2021

How to Grow Strong in Your Weakness

None of us likes to be weak, do we? From small up we’ve been trained to “be strong.” “Show them that you can do it!”

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April 26, 2021

Dashed Hopes

What do you do when God interrupts your good plans, how do you respond?

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