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Tag: strength

May 9, 2020

Deliverance from Fears

Today's Action Point: At the first sign of a fear in my life, I will commit it to the Lord and trust Him for deliverance, and I will seek to help others whose hearts are filled with fear. I will seek to introduce them to the Prince of Peace - the God of all comfort.

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May 5, 2020

Three Things to Believe Today

You cannot know what Jesus has said without knowing the Scriptures. His words are there for you to hear, to believe, to receive, and to obey. His words are true words, good words, living words, whole words, righteous words.

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April 29, 2020

No Fear!

What happens when you allow fear to intrude into your life? When you begin to trust your own strength a little too much?

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April 28, 2020

Changed by the Spirit

The first step in our journey of exploring the Holy Spirit in our lives is to allow our minds to be transformed and our hope set fully on the grace that redeemed us from an empty way of life.

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April 24, 2020

No Time to Pray?

Question: Have you prayed yet today? If not, could you spend some time with God now?

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April 21, 2020

Satisfaction for the Thirsty Soul

Think about a time you experienced unbearable thirst. You probably would have traded anything for a drink. When you finally got your wish, there was nothing that could have tasted better than that cold, refreshing glass of water.

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April 9, 2020

Covered with His Love

"Who is the greatest person who ever lived? Who has done more good for mankind than anyone else?" JESUS of Nazareth

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April 8, 2020

Jesus the Nazarene

Have you experienced family situations such as are described above? What is your immediate reaction when friends or family do not appreciate your experiences? How might your reactions change if you remembered that Jesus, too, experienced such misunderstanding?

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April 6, 2020

Is Anyone Listening?

Father God, I find it hard to listen because of my pride, self-reliance, busyness, and doubt. You truly are the expert on life, and you know me. You know everything about my life. I confess my foolishness when I attempt to fix things on my own. Your wisdom is far superior to my best ideas. I’m listening. Guide me! Amen.

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April 4, 2020

Many Hardships

Hardships are a part of our allotment. They were predestined for us. As surely as the stars are fashioned by His hands and their orbits fixed by Him, so surely are our hardships allotted to us: He has predestined their season and their place, their intensity, and their effect on us.

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