May 30, 2024
Security for Children
In a day when children and young people lack a feeling of security, Christian parents should cooperate with God in helping to provide for their families such a sense of security and refuge.
Read more..In a day when children and young people lack a feeling of security, Christian parents should cooperate with God in helping to provide for their families such a sense of security and refuge.
Read more..As a friend of mine said once, almost nonchalantly, a true Christian is choosing the most dangerous occupation in the world.
Read more..Lord, Open my eyes that I might see the mission field before me and then give me the conviction and the courage to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Amen.
Read more..According to Goldilocks, being lukewarm is just right. But what is good for porridge isn’t good for our spiritual lives.
Read more..One reason God doesn’t give you the full picture of his plans for your life is that you may be overwhelmed by what you see.One reason God doesn’t give you the full picture of his plans for your life is that you may be overwhelmed by what you see.
Read more.."I pray that you would not be a prisoner to sin but rather have accepted that promise that was given through faith in Jesus Christ.
Read more..Our lives, our futures, and our plans are in God's hands. This inescapable reality is the basis of our existence. It is also the foundation of our joy and refreshment when we are with each other.
Read more..What are you struggling with? In what situation do you need hope. overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).
Read more..Today's Thought: I'll be more concerned about being yielded to the moment-by-moment direction and control of God's Holy Spirit than about discovering my spiritual gift(s).
Read more..Words are incredibly powerful. Words can bless or wound deeply. “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
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