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Tag: trust

November 25, 2019

The Nature of Discouragement

Discouragement is a powerful, destructive force. Before we can understand how to rid our life of this common temptation, we must recognize its harmful nature. Understand that discouragement...

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November 22, 2019

A Beautiful Circle

Lord God, Today I choose to guard my heart by turning my focus to You and rejoicing in all You are to me. Today I choose to be aware of Your constant presence with me and to allow that to impact my responses with a gentleness of spirit.

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November 21, 2019

When Demands are Endless

Like Jesus, you will not meet all of the needs and expectations from people around you but you can be sure the Father will lead and guide your life and your actions when you seek his will in prayer.

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November 20, 2019

Bring Your Anxieties to God

As we spend time in the Scriptures, we increasingly see from God’s perspective. Then our prayers will be focused on what He wills rather than on what we want. Through this kind of prayer, our spiritual needs are met, and we can set aside anxiety to live in complete trust in the Lord.

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November 19, 2019

Beware of Deception

Question: Have you been tricked or deceived in the past, How can we guard against being deceived?

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November 18, 2019

Cracked Pots

The more honest we are with our humanity, the more the power of God can be seen and recognized in us. our fragile, clay-like (from the earth) bodies and the immeasurable brightness of Christ is something that should be obvious so that everyone will know the power must be coming from God, because it certainly isn't coming from us.

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November 13, 2019

God’s Strength God’s Plan

I'm stronger than I feel because God is stronger than I could ever be. And I don't have to figure it all out because He already has it figured out. Down to the very last detail.

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November 9, 2019

Pray Before You Leap

As I recently prayed about an important decision I needed to make, I remembered there was a time when I didn’t. As a young Christian I didn’t even know that I should.

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November 5, 2019

The Blessings of Inadequacy

Inadequacy challenges our faith. Paul says, "Our adequacy is from God" (v. 5)"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God."

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November 3, 2019

Help for Hard Times

Thought: At all times of difficulty in my life - spiritual, material, physical - I will look for God's hand of blessing in the joyful assurance that He cares for me.

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