August 29, 2017
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
Read more..“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
Read more..“Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to
Read more..Some people have great moments of clarity that change their life, whilst for others these are but a moment's fancy that soon pass. Such are life's choices: to see or not; to have faith or to doubt; to believe or not.
Read more..God moves us forward by healing our past! Can he really? Can God heal this
Read more..Do you find yourself struggling with your faith? Paul tells us in our scripture reference not to throw away our confident trust in the Lord. Confident trust is the belief that something will happen based on God’s character. Again, He does not falter on His promises.
Read more..No matter who we are, how old we are, or how physically capable we are, we can all give. God has blessed us with experiences, talents, and Spirit- guided incites that we can offer to others. "“Consider it pure joy, ..."
Read more..A Devotional on seeking justice: Deep within us resides a longing for justice. We want evil punished and good rewarded.
Read more..God’s people have their trials. It was never designed by God, when He chose His people, that they should be an untried people. They were chosen in the furnace of affliction; they were never chosen to worldly peace and earthly joy.
Read more..Do we know when we need to rest, or do we think we are super human and can go on and on forever? I tend to think we believe that with enough determination and caffeine we can go on forever. v
Read more..We demonstrate that we love God when we obey Him. And when we trust and obey Him, all the supernatural resources of deity are released in our behalf. He literally heals our bodies, our minds and our spirits and ....continue reading
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