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Tag: trust

April 20, 2017

Going Through Marah

The message is clear. Whatever the bitter obstacles we encounter in life’s journey we can count on God to transform them and use them for good. When we cry out to God about our Marahs, He makes them sweet as we prepare for the next leg of our journey. God is big enough to deal with any problems we face.

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April 19, 2017

Heavenly Wisdom

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,

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April 5, 2017

Atrophying or Absorbing?

God is looking for people who are thirsty. In my own life am I absorbing (earnestly desiring to understand) or am I atrophying (withering)?

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April 4, 2017

Resting in the Faithfulness of God

Circumstances can be painful. But even when situations seem overwhelming, believers can trust that our sovereign Lord knows all, is in control, and lovingly works everything for His children's good. We can rest confidently knowing that the unchanging God of all creation is taking care of us.

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April 3, 2017

Covenant Keeping God

Put your trust and hope in the Lord. Don’t be discouraged, when things do not

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April 2, 2017

Can We Talk?

Be of good courage today knowing that God is not surprised by anything that you are facing right now. In fact, He is with You to strengthen, settle, and establish you in the direction that He has for you to go.

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April 1, 2017

A Vast Army

Are you overwhelmed by circumstances in your life today? Do you feel like a “vast army” has your life under siege? The God who provided relief to Judah is with you today.

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March 23, 2017

Risk Believing

When forced to stand at the crossroads of belief and unbelief, God’s people choose belief! God’s people risk believing!

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March 21, 2017

Let Us Not Grow Tired

Are you heading into this week just flat out exhausted? Is there some great weight upon you that you just can’t seem to lift? Have no fear, for our God does not grow weary.

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March 16, 2017

Called to Follow Him

“I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12

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