March 6, 2023
All Stressed Up and Nowhere to Go
In today's world it is virtually impossible to avoid stress. Almost everyone is carrying some amount of it, in varying degrees.
Read more..In today's world it is virtually impossible to avoid stress. Almost everyone is carrying some amount of it, in varying degrees.
Read more..Relying on God takes practice. Seeking Him daily through prayer and asking for what we need for the day means we must trust Him to provide. As we learn to trust in His daily provision, the anxieties of our own efforts are lessened.
Read more..Many Christians struggle with waiting. So why might the Lord have us delay? One reason is to protect us.
Read more..Today: Read Psalm 23 afresh. What is the Lord saying to you in the midst of your life? Trust him to lead you from this day forward — all the days of your life!
Read more..Holy God, Thank you for knowing me and going with me through all my days. Please make your presence known to me this day as I seek to honor you in what I do and say. In the name of Jesus, my Lord, I ask this. Amen.
Read more..Have you felt the nudge to yield your plans, wishes and burdens to God?
Read more..My own power is inadequate to make the changes I want to see in my life. But the amazing power of the Spirit in me can transform me into someone who looks and acts more like Christ. As a result, I can live the abundant life he promised.
Read more..It was time for my annual self-evaluation. The past year was busier than usual, but busyness does not always translate into more successes.
Read more..Take a 15-minute break and walk and talk with God about the neediness you are feeling today. Release others from filling that for you and ask God to meet the needs of your heart from His great supply.
Read more.."You are all around me--in front and in back--and have put your hand on me." Psalm 139:5 Pause and listen as His Majesty whispers ever so gently,
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