December 9, 2022
Vessels of Honor
A vessel of honor is a vessel that is clean. If we are a clean vessel, we are a vessel that is ready to be used as the Master chooses.
Read more..A vessel of honor is a vessel that is clean. If we are a clean vessel, we are a vessel that is ready to be used as the Master chooses.
Read more..Feast your heart and mind on all Jesus is today. Your roots will draw water from a deep place and you will be blessed.
Read more..Many decisions face us as we contemplate the future and the condition of our world. Fear based decisions are not God’s way of doing things.
Read more..Several years ago, my husband and I went through a difficult season. Sometimes, we need others to stand strong in faith with us.
Read more..Our God is a promise-keeping God? Others may make a promise and forget it. But if God makes a promise, he keeps it.
Read more..John 10:27 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Heavenly Father, thank you for this incredible truth: that I can know your voice. I want to follow you, so help me to listen and respond to everything you say. Amen.
Read more..A Message and a Promise. No matter the doubts, the frustrations, the “wish-things-were-different” thinking that takes our affection off things above, in Christ, we can be confident that it will be well with us.
Read more..Calm and confidence will invade your life when you understand that God is in control, even when the circumstances do not seem to be lining up the way you want.
Read more..Jesus has his eye on the endgame, and so he intends to break through every program, every ideal, and every form of legalism that keeps us from following him in total abandonment.
Read more..How do you respond when your life takes an unexpected turn? Do you spend your time questioning His goodness or do you surrender to His will for your life?
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