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Tag: trust

June 9, 2021


A character transplant is not something of the future, it already exists! This is the real nature of being a Christ-follower.

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June 9, 2021

Letting God Lead Us

Instead of getting in the front seat to work things out, let God do the work. Trust in his timing. When we try to do things our way, it never pans out quite well, but when we leave it up to God, the ending is beautiful.

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June 7, 2021

One Boot at a Time

What’s your mountain? I suddenly realized I’d been fixating on my mountain instead of fixing my eyes on my God. I assumed I would climb this mountain in one gigantic impossible leap, instead of one boot at a time.

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June 6, 2021

A New Prescription

I take medicine daily, too. I might skip a day without any horrid ramifications, but if I skip two or three days, my health may be endangered. The same with my spiritual life.

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June 6, 2021


Are you weighed down by the clutter in your life? I mean lots of little chores to do sometime in no particular order.

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June 1, 2021

Approaching Storm

Lord, let me always be in awe of your power and wisdom that I do not foolishly attempt to take on the storms in my life by myself.

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June 1, 2021

Dangerous Path

How many times conflict could have been avoided if I spoke to Jesus first and recalled what He has taught me in His Word.

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May 31, 2021

Precious Promises

God has given us precious promises. He has declared them to us because He wants us to know His heart, share His nature, escape corruption, build our faith, give us hope, and perfect us in holiness—

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May 30, 2021

Learning through Adversity

As believers, we know God uses our troubles to accomplish His good purposes.

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May 29, 2021

I Can’t Say it Enough

So often we take for granted the love of God. We often feel like there is no hope for us but I say to you today that regardless to where you have been, regardless to what you have done; God loves YOU.

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