January 28, 2024
From the Eyes of God
Do you judge by the standards you have been taught or do you turn to God, and seek understanding from Him? Do you see with your eyes, or with God’s eyes?
Read more..Do you judge by the standards you have been taught or do you turn to God, and seek understanding from Him? Do you see with your eyes, or with God’s eyes?
Read more..Bitterness is a poison that we prepare for someone else but then drink ourselves. It is something we often carefully nurture and grow over the years.
Read more..Father God, I thank you that You are willing and able to give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that I may know you better right where I walk today. I ask for Your wisdom and revelation. I want to know you better.
Read more..God invites us to LET the peace of Christ RULE in our hearts - it's what we are called to. Follow God's wisdom. Choose today to LET peace RULE in your heart and be amazed at the difference it will make.
Read more..How interesting that God chose shepherds as recipients of the “birth announcement” of the Savior. Shepherds weren’t men who worshipped in sanctuaries with stained glass windows.
Read more..For a nation of people, many of whom are “educated beyond their intelligence,” as an anonymous wit once observed, America sorely lacks a sufficiency of men with real wisdom – that which is given by the Lord Himself.
Read more..So I went down the imaginary stairs of my consciousness, to the inner store-cupboard of my being. I made my way past the previously opened boxes, piled in a heap on one side.
Read more..My prayer for us this week: "Heavenly Father we are so grateful that the wisdom you give us is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Please help us to be wise peacemakers who sow in peace and reap a harvest of righteousness. In Jesus name, Amen."
Read more..Words of Wisdom: “Always make sure they know you love them!” “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Read more..By Phil Ware “A man finds joy in giving an apt reply — and how
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