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First Lonely Christmas

by Vonette Bright

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angelsHebrews 13:2

Patricia was just 18-years-old when her father died.
Sadly, her parents’ married friends didn’t know how to deal with Patricia’s mother.

So they did the worst thing possible: nothing.

As the holidays approached, Christmas looked to be pretty dismal and lonely.
But then neighbors graciously invited Patricia and her widowed mother to their Christmas celebration.
They included the two women in their gift exchange.

Conversation was intentionally focused on past blessings and future joys.
By centering on God’s provisions through the neighbor’s hospitality, the women’s grief was soothed.

Dear friend, include widows, singles, and others this Christmas.
Display biblical compassion by making them part of your holiday celebrations.
It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Romans 12:1-13; Philippians 4:8-9; 19; James 2:14-16

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