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by Vonette Bright

He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart.” Psalm 15:2

Singer Bethany Dillon believes that college students value honesty when you’re telling them about Jesus. She said, “If Christ is shared in an honest, no frills, very passionate way, I think [the message] is heard.”

When Deanna heard that, she was puzzled.  All her life she had never let out what she really felt inside. So, her faith on campus seemed all too surreal to her classmates. Most of them thought she came from a loving home. But that wasn’t true.

Dear friend, honesty speaks far louder than the content of your words.  When Deanna decided to admit her emotional scars, the work God had done in her life seemed genuine. Christ’s love, comfort and joy were evident now as Deanna spoke honestly.

Maybe it’s time you shared how Christ has totally changed your life, honestly!
[Bethany Dillon – I think the difficulty in sharing with college-aged people is that it’s such a transitional season of life, SO much learning is going on– figuring out who you really are– taking hold of independence for the first time… I just think there are a lot of walls that go up because of it. However, I also feel like people in college really value HONESTY… whatever’s  REAL, you know? And if Christ is shared in a brutally honest, no frills, very passionate way, I think it’s heard.  I think one of the most precious things about His presence in my life is the permission to be HONEST… whether that’s weeping on my floor for hours without saying a word, or dancing around like a fool and not thinking twice about it. For that to be a safe place full of understanding, that’s been such a healing thing.]

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