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Mentoring Mansion

by Vonette Bright

“And it will be said: “Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.”
Isaiah 57:14

Devi Titus’ life passion is ministering to women.
She and her husband Larry retired after completing forty years of pastoral ministry.
But God wasn’t finished with them yet!  Oh no!

Devi had dreamed of mentoring women in creative home management and vital relationship skills.
Yet they encountered tremendous obstacles when trying to purchase a mansion for this purpose.
They continued to pray.  And God fleshed out His ideas in Devi’s mind for the Mentoring Mansion.

It’s “Where Christian women’s mindsets, invaded by feminism,
would be restored to the plum line of biblical truth.
Now countless women are making their homes havens of peace and sanctuaries of love

Dear one, the task was difficult, but God overcame the obstacles.
He can do the same for your Godly passion.

Devi Titus:

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