“He said to them, Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.” Mark 16:15
Robin was a bubbly teenager. She had just prayed to invite Jesus into her life.
A friend shared the Four Spiritual Laws booklet with her. http://www.thoughtsaboutgod.com/4laws/law0.html
She couldn’t believe no one had told her about God’s love before.
Now she couldn’t wait to tell everyone she knew!
With unbounded enthusiasm she spoke to family and friends.
Robin shared what Christ had done for her and what He could do for them.
To her delight, some family members and friends also invited Jesus into their lives.
But Robin was saddened when others refused. She admitted,
“At least I know they had an opportunity to respond to the claims of Christ.”
Friend, the Bible says we’re to share the Good News.
Some might refuse His love. Even so, it’s our job to tell others about Jesus.
Then, let’s leave the results to God.
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