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Published on November 23, 2010

by Katherine Kehler

“Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like flint to do his will, and I know I will triumph.” Isaiah 50:7

Marvin and I were driving home from a wedding just west of Olympia, Washington. As is our habit when we drive, we began to talk about things that are important to us. This day we were discussing the coming year’s – goals, resolutions and plans.

Because the previous year had been a year of transition for us, we decided to discuss and re-affirm the commitments we had made to God many years ago. What was it we would continue to do with all our hearts and minds and souls? What would we pour our lives into in the coming year?

Here are some of the affirmations we made to God and to each other for the year:

1. We will continue to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul and strength.

2. We will continue serving Him – our aim is to please Him in all of our ways.

3. We will continue to use (read and obey) the Bible as the standard for our lives.

4. We will continue to love and be faithful to each other.

5. We will continue to love and be faithful to our children and grandchildren.

6. We will continue to give our tithes and offerings to the Lord.

7. We will continue to work hard and do the best we can to win people to Christ and help the unfortunate around the world.

There were more, but these were the most important to us.

How about you? Do you write out your commitments to God? If not, I encourage you to do so. Keep them in your Bible, so they are always before you.

Father, we love to do Your will! We love to serve You! Thank You for giving us the grace, the will and power to follow Your ways. In our hearts we say, “Yes Lord, yes!”. Amen.

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