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Praying the Beatitudes – 2

Published on December 11, 2010

by Sylvia Gunter
After “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,” the Beatitudes turn outward toward our relationship with others.

Blessed are the merciful. Matthew 5:7
Help me open my heart to others. Through me, show them the mercy they need, setting off a chain reaction of grace. I choose to forgive in the measure as I have been forgiven, because Jesus lives in me with His infinite forgiveness. Your promise is, “Give, and it will be given to you.” You have already poured out to me overflowing mercy. Keep before me that by the same measure I use, it will be measured to me (Luke 6:38).

Blessed are the pure in heartMatthew 5:8
Wash me with Your holiness, holy God. Burn out the impurities with Your refining fire. I present my hands and my heart for sweet daily cleansing from the pollution and guilt of sin (Psalm 24:3-4). Separate the precious from the dross, the worthless, insincere, and unholy (Philippians 1:9).

Blessed are the peacemakers. Matthew 5:9
Prince of peace, I renounce jealousy and competition. I am content with who I am before You. I receive Your peace in my heart. I choose to be at peace with everybody in all circumstances. As much as I can, I will make peace where there is discord. As a peacemaker, I will sow in peace and reap a harvest of righteousness (James 3:13-18). I am an ambassador of reconciliation.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Matthew 5:10
Help me to suffer for the right reason, for Jesus’ sake, for God-likeness and commitment to Him, not for self-pity or petty sensitivity. In the past I have tried to create my own righteousness; it is futile. Jesus is the righteous One. I will stand strong when opposed for pursuing Jesus, and I will fall deeper into His arms. I am a citizen of another kingdom, and I bow only to God’s rightful claims on my life by His Spirit.

What does blessed mean? It means happy, to be envied and spiritually prosperous, with life, satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of outward conditions. It means joy produced by the revelation of His matchless grace. It means living in God’s kingdom in our heart, so that our satisfaction comes from God, not from favorable circumstances.

Thank God for these promises of the blessings of His kingdom: His relentless mercy, seeing His face, being conformed to the family likeness as His child, and more of heaven’s reign here on earth.

Ask God how to intercede for others using the Beatitudes as the model
of the character of Jesus that He wants to work in them. Pray for Jesus to fulfill all His blessings in their lives.

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