Sylvia Gunter lives in Birmingham with her husband John, now retired from his position as a telecommunications executive. They have three adult children, and two grandkids.
Sylvia’s passion is to seek the heart of God for herself and others. Psalm 27:4 is one of her favorite verses. She seeks God to personally know Him better, love Him more, enjoy Him, be satisfied in Him, and be changed by beholding Him. She is passionate about encouraging others to a deeper relationship with God. Her life message boiled down to it essential foundation is — who God is and who I am in Him. He is first of all Father.
Sylvia has been involved in ministry for over 30 years. Through her prayer resources, she has encouraged and equipped believers in over 160 nations.
Sylvia lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband John. They have three adult children and two grandchildren. She enjoys soaking in the beauty of sunrises and sunsets, rocking on the porch on windy afternoons, savoring God’s creation, and making an art form of a nap on a rainy afternoon.
To learn more about Sylvia Gunter visit her website,