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Lavish Love

Published on December 28, 2022

Life had taken a few turns. Unexpected losses had quietly stacked up until she felt that her God must be on vacation somewhere else. Others seemed to be receiving blessing from God but she felt short changed these days.

She began to feel that she had moved from under God’s wing to under God’s thumb… and quite subtly her view of God began to change. She hardly noticed it was happening. And her Bible sat more often on the shelf.

Then she heard a verse from the Bible… on a random snatch of a radio program while she was driving. God wanted her attention and the verse hit home in her heart.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

The word “lavished” caught her imagination. Suddenly she realized that she had begun to doubt God’s love and his goodness toward her. A God that lavishes his love on his children is not a God who wants to pin you under his thumb! He is a God that can be counted on to lovingly take us through this journey of life. A God that lavishes us with his love is a God that can be trusted to guide us on our way and to nudge us back on track when we wander.

If your life has some unexpected bumps these day, don’t doubt God’s love and care for you. He will lovingly bring his principles of living to your attention so you can correct your course when necessary. His love will lead you to the very best for your life if you trust him through the fog. Knowing he lavishes you with his love will keep your heart soft and your heart attitude looking for his goodness. Doubting the goodness of God toward you can harden your heart and move you in a direction that will tempt you to live life according to your own wisdom…wisdom that will always be less than God’s wisdom for you.

Dear Heavenly Father, You know how easy it is for me to doubt you when I can’t see the path ahead of me clearly. Forgive me for letting my heart doubt you. Forgive me for my impatient nature. Thank you for reminding me that your love for me is so great and that I am your child. Show me the attitudes or actions that I have slipped into that don’t please you. I choose today to trust your goodness toward me. Give me assurance in my heart that you are at work in my circumstances. By faith I will trust you to guide me in what to do. Thank you Father.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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