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When Roses Don’t Come

Published on May 10, 2020

It was Sunday morning, Mother’s Day, and I was greeting women at the back of the church. First one took my hand and blinked back a tear as she told me how hard this day is for her. She never could have a baby of her own.

Another hugged me and thanked me for praying for those who hurt on this day. Her grown kids never call and her heart aches. Another missed her Mom who had died. Another longed for her child who is gone.

One was not there at all. She had told me she wouldn’t be. She believes she has failed as a mother and the feelings are too hard to face, so she ignores the day.

Still another gave me a long silent hug… no words. We had walked together for a piece on the road of post abortion.

Mother’s Day is heralded far and wide and it is a wonderful celebration. Sunday brunches, roses by the dozen, spa day specials and breakfast in bed all help set aside the day to honor mothers.

Yet for so many it is a day of unspoken pain.

But there is a place for you when the roses don’t come and there is no seat at the brunch. There is a special invitation just for you… listen… it comes from the heart of your Father God, spoken by His son Jesus…

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest… rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

The invitation is for those who have pain within their soul; those who are burdened down and weary; those for whom Mother’s Day hurts.

How do you claim this rest when your soul is in pain? You reply to His invitation.

If your heart hurts this Mother’s Day, there are some things you can do as you look to God to bring rest to your soul.

Symbolic gestures can be helpful in bringing healing. As you have asked God to bring you comfort, consider some tangible action as you focus on Him, your helper and your healer.

If you have lost a child by miscarriage, death or abortion, consider planting a rose bush or a flower bed in memory of that special little life.

If you are missing your own Mom who is gone, or filled with regret for what you did not have with her when she was alive, take a potted plant to a nursing home. Brighten some elderly mother’s lonely day and let her know she is cared about.

If your arms long for the child you never had, ask God to begin to heal your heart and to help you reach out to some child who is starved for the love you have to give. This takes time. Be gentle with yourself and run often to the Father for His continued healing.

If relationships are strained or cut off, ask God to show you how to begin rebuilding. Go slow and ask for His direction. It may be time to think about sending a simple, “I’m thinking of you” card.

If you can, invite a friend to a picnic in the park or to sit on your deck and drink iced tea on Mother’s Day.

Our Father God desires for your heart to be whole and healed and to give you rest for your soul. He always pulls us upward and onward. It will take time, but with your hand in His, He will enable you to move forward.

If you are stuck on inward and downward, talk to a trusted friend, pray together, get counsel if necessary.

God waits with open arms to comfort you. His desire for you is to heal your broken heart. Let this Mother’s Day be different. Accept His invitation and begin the journey from pain to promise and find rest for your soul.

Father God, My heart hurts with unspoken pain. I need Your help to just get through today. I need Your comfort, Your strength and even Your forgiveness for the times I have blamed You for my hurt. Today I give you the empty spaces in my soul. I give you my pain and I ask You to bring Your healing to my damaged emotions and to my life. Thank you for the promise of rest for my weary soul. I lean on you today.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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