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Our Inability to Trust God

Published on March 19, 2022

God is always fair ; He’s pure and honest; He cannot break a promise , never fails to fulfill a promise and is trustworthy in everything He does.

For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does. The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love.”  Psalm 33:4–5 (NIV)

God is love (1 John 4:16), and so we know He is patient and kind; He’s never rude or self-seeking; He’s not easily angered, and He keeps no record of wrongs; He does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth; He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres; He never fails (1 Corinthians 13:4–8).

God is always fair (Deuteronomy 32:4); He’s pure and honest (Hebrews 6:18); He cannot break a promise (Numbers 23:19), never fails to fulfill a promise (Joshua 21:45) and is trustworthy in everything He does (Psalm 33:4).

The issue, then, is not if God can be trusted;  the issue is with our ability to trust.

Your first step toward trusting God may be this simple: focus your attention on Him. When you focus on yourself, the inevitable result is worry, insecurity, anxiety, guilt, fear, and discouragement. But when you shift your focus to God, you’ll begin to experience hope, confidence, gratitude, and love. God gives peace to all who trust in Him
(Isaiah 26:3).

By Jon Walker
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Pressing the RESET button on our lives 

•   Keeping Yourself in God’s Love – even during painful times in your life

•  Salvation Explained

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