February 20, 2025
Let Jesus Violate Your Expectations
Jesus violates expectations. Jesus is not subject to our expectation of Him; we are subject to His expectation of us.
Read more..Jesus violates expectations. Jesus is not subject to our expectation of Him; we are subject to His expectation of us.
Read more..Here are four ways you can pray for your friends and family: “… Stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel.” Philippians 1:27 (NIV)
Read more..We’re constantly in complex negotiations with God: -- “God, what if you’re not on the other side of this leap?” -- “Are you sure you’re strong enough to catch me?”
Read more..Our objective is to stop seeing others from our limited perspective and to start seeing them in the way God sees them, encouraging the best of others, bringing them to the one who wants more than all the world what is best for them — Christ the Lord (Luke 2:8-10).
Read more..“Those who do not take up their cross and follow in my steps are not
Read more..We believe God will forgive us; the problem, though, is we won’t forgive ourselves. Peter knew the feeling; he’d failed Jesus, so he went back to fishing.
Read more..What are the things that keep you from being consistent in morning devotions?
Read more..In the case of children who are prodigals, we can pray a hedge of thorns around them to protect them from friends who influence them in the wrong way. The Bible says, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16b
Read more..One reason God doesn’t give you the full picture of his plans for your life is that you may be overwhelmed by what you see.One reason God doesn’t give you the full picture of his plans for your life is that you may be overwhelmed by what you see.
Read more..What are ways you tend to keep score with God? Why do you do this? Ask God to help you trust him more.
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