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Thoughts By Jon Walker

October 29, 2023

Mercy over Sacrifice

Matthew 9:13 “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

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October 14, 2023

True: God’s Love Fills Me

In faith, I know these things to be true: He will make my joy complete because I no longer live in darkness, but I now live in the truth and have fellowship with God.

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August 2, 2023

Aim for Jesus

The reason so many of us get stuck, unable to move deeper into intimacy with God is because we don’t think it’s truly possible, at least for us. And so we don’t even try.

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July 28, 2023

Nurturing a Quiet Soul

Meditate on Psalm 131 to help move toward God’s peace that passes all understanding

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July 21, 2023

Jesus Never Looked Down on Others

Our objective is to stop seeing others from our limited perspective and to start seeing them in the way God sees them, encouraging the best of others, bringing them to the one who wants more than all the world what is best for them — Christ the Lord (Luke 2:8-10).

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June 1, 2023

Make a Life Where You Live

God says it’s going to be a while, so make a life. Don’t invest your energy in hopes of leaving; instead, invest your energy in the people around you

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May 25, 2023

God Can Even Though I Can’t

The only way you will fulfill God’s destiny for you this decade is to rely on God’s strength. And that means you have to confess ‘I can’t’ before you can agree ‘God can.’ Otherwise, we’ll just keep thinking there’s still some ability (competency, sufficiency) in us that will allow us – independent of God – to do ...

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March 25, 2023

When We Maximize our Problems, We Minimize God’s Power

When we maximize our problems, we minimize God’s greatness and we also minimize—in our minds—God’s ability to handle our problems.

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February 23, 2023

Does God Know What You’re Going Through?

Does God Know What You’re Going Through? In order to get through what you’re going through, focus on who God is — his unchanging nature. Regardless of circumstances and how you feel, hang on to God’s unchanging character.

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January 31, 2023

Look at Jesus, Not the Waves

When we choose to focus on our cares and worries, we elevate our anxieties to the same status as the promises of Jesus. But, which is more important, which should demand our greater attention - the ability of Jesus to care for us or the concerns we have about our circumstances?

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