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The Wonder of a Child

Published on August 10, 2011

by Darren Hewer

Please open your Bible and read Psalm 78:1-4.

Little six-year-old Timothy skipped home at a leisurely pace with his older brother. His elementary school was only a 5 minute walk from his house, but it took him a lot longer than that to arrive at home, much to his brother’s chagrin!

It was the first day of spring. The sun shone brightly. The wind whistled gently through the air, and it seemed as though the entire world was blooming … alive after its winter slumber. At seemingly every turn, the natural world around him aroused his amazement and wonder: a dancing butterfly, a fuzzy caterpillar, a colorful flower, all alive with growth and life and wonder!

Sometimes we’re almost like polar opposites of little Timothy when it comes to God. We get accustomed to God’s grace. Blind to His glory. Oblivious to His love. When there’s work, plus family, plus church, plus everything else, it’s easy if we’re not careful to become distracted.

When was the last time you were in awe of God? While must constantly strive to increase our knowledge and understanding of our Lord, we should never lose the sense of wonder at who He is and all He has done for us.

Jesus called the children around Him, “took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.” (Mark 10:16) Can you approach Jesus as a child, not with a childlike intellect (1 Corinthians 13:11) but with a childlike attitude? A childlike attitude will keep us humble as we continually are reminded of God’s high exaltation, our lowly place, and (despite of our lowly place) how God has lifted us up with Him when we put our trust in Him, so that He may even call us “friend”. (John 15:15)

Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” Psalm 113:2-3

Question: What do you admire most about the natural beauty around us, and have you stopped to really see it lately?

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