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Stand in Awe

Published on April 25, 2021

“AWE (fear) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever.” Psalm 111:10

As spring unfolds across the Northern Hemisphere this month, may we pause to observe the wonder of the newness of life.

Covid weariness may linger even as the snow may, but spring is our opportunity to be reminded of God’s loving kindness as new life blossoms around us.

May the resurrection of Jesus, so freshly celebrated, reverberate in our hearts as we observe the new life of this season. Practice seeing with awe!

May the return of geese cause us to lift our heads and say, “Thank you Lord. We return our hearts to You in this springtime.”

  • Let the notice of pussy-willows along the roadsides remind us that the season is changing and we look for the freshness of His resurrection power!
  • As the beauty of crocuses sprinkle the brown hillside, may they trumpet His presence as we watch for glimpses of Him in new ways.

Practice walking with eyes wide open to have a fresh view of our resurrected Lord. This in turn, brings a fresh understanding of His wisdom and His power, which we need in this hour as this season unfolds.

Father God, please cause my heart to overflow with awe of You as I observe spring opening up all around me. May the pleasure of Your company, and the gentle beauty of the season, stir me to marvel at my God who continues to make all things new. As I immerse myself in the fresh wonder of Your resurrection may Your wisdom fill me and give me the understanding I need where I walk today. The earth sings forth Your praise. May Your praise endure forever. In Jesus’ precious name I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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