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Overcoming Unbelief

Published on September 14, 2018

It was a move made more out of desperation than out of faith. The father was out of resources. His son had had severe convulsions since he was a small child. The man had heard that Jesus could heal.

He made his way through the crowd that surrounded Jesus and called out for help. “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” It wasn’t exactly what you would call a strong declaration of faith. If you can ” tells us the father was hopeful but not faith filled.

Jesus took note of the question. “If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” The father cried out

“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)

His son was healed!

All too often many of us find our belief mingled with unbelief. Jesus responded to the heart of this man who openly admitted that his faith was weak. He was openly honest. He declared his belief and cried out for help to overcome it.

When we find ourselves facing circumstances that loom large in our lives we often find our faith is weak. We want to believe God to move the mountain or part the seas. We know He can. Yet unbelief hovers in a corner of our heart. We hope, yet we are reluctant to really believe He will. We hide our unbelief.

Jesus knows us in the very depth of our souls. He understands our lack of faith and He looks beyond it to our individual hearts. When He hears that cry, “help me overcome my unbelief,” His heart is stirred by our desire to fully believe Him… and he increases our faith.

As we cry out for help to overcome unbelief in our lives, He responds and builds our faith. As we see Him begin to move the mountains in our lives, our faith grows. We develop a track record of His faithfulness that keeps moving us down the road to even greater faith.

If your faith is small today in believing God can intervene in something you feel is impossible, ask Him to help you overcome your unbelief. He will meet you at your point of desire and He will increase your faith. Confess your unbelief to Him and ask Him to grow your faith. He will do it.

Prayer & reflection

Father God, My faith is so often weak as I seek to trust You with my whole life. Today I confess to You that I do have unbelief mingled with my belief. I ask You right now to help me overcome my unbelief. I need Your strength and Your help to grow my faith. Thank you for Your power in my life. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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