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Praying the Names of God

Published on September 13, 2011

by Sylvia Gunter

The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10

In Hebrew and Greek, each personal name communicated something indispensable for distinguishing that person’s character and personality. Names were so important that when the person’s character changed, the person’s name changed, like Jacob to Israel, Simon to Peter, Saul to Paul. Their new name corresponded to their new nature and the purposes of God in their life.

The many names of God present some aspect of His inexhaustible, awesome glory. God made a big deal of making His name known to Israel, and Jesus said that making the Father’s name known was one of His continuing functions, so that we will love Him more and receive His abiding presence (John 17:26). Knowing the names of God causes us to know the riches we have in Him, and we rejoice His heart when we know Him.

God intends for us to see Him through His names. There are 37 names and 120 ways and attributes of God in Revelation. Can you find the 61 names or titles and 300 attributes of God in Psalms?  How about the 64 names and titles of God and 150 attributes in Isaiah?  Knowing the names of God leads me to know the riches we have in Him. What we call God says a lot about our relationship with Him. As we pray, do we call Him Lord? Abba-Father? King?

For every need and circumstance you are facing there is a name of God to meet that need. Focus your attention on the overcoming God of the universe, rather than on your problem or need. Worship God in any way that is meaningful to you, as His Spirit leads you. Make it your ambition to glorify God and enjoy Him in his many names. The King of kings wants you to personally know Him in all His fullness.  Think of it!  You are privileged to walk with the Lord of hosts. Think of it! The Living Water invites you to drink deeply of Him. The Bread of Life invites you to feast upon His Word.

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